Riverstone Solutions Announces Missile Defense Agency Mentor Protégé Agreement with Tec-Masters Inc.

Riverstone Solutions Announces Missile Defense Agency Mentor Protégé Agreement with Tec-Masters Inc.

Tec-Masters, Inc., an industry leader in technical and professional services, announced a Mentor-Protégé Agreements (MPA) with the Missile Defense Agency (MDA). Our new protégé is Riverstone Solutions, Inc. (RSI).

Riverstone Solutions, Inc., a WOSB and HUBZone company, brings its robust Engineering, Cybersecurity, and Data Science expertise to the partnership.

Riverstone Solutions CEO Guest Speaker for Women in Missile Defense

Riverstone Solutions CEO Guest Speaker for Women in Missile Defense

Riverstone Solutions, Inc. CEO, Angela Rittenbach, was invited as a guest speaker for the “Women in Missile Defense” luncheon, a distinct segment within the larger SMD Symposium. Speaking on data science and cybersecurity, Angela touched upon subjects central to RSI’s core operations and fundamental to modern defense mechanisms.